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Adams American Style Ballroom
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"Name that Dance Beat"
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  1. Go back to the article, “What Kind of Dance Are They Playing?” (opens in new window)
  2. Read it again if you need to.
  3. For each dance type, click the audio link so you can hear the beat counted and a few bars of each dance played on the piano.
  4. Listen to “Blue Moon” play through twice on the piano. The dance beat changes every 8 bars.
  5. For each separate dance beat (each 8 bars), select the name of the dance you think with each pulldown list in order
  6. In alphabetical order, the beats are:
    1. Cha Cha
    2. East Coast Swing
    3. Fox Trot
    4. Rumba
    5. Samba
    6. Tango
    7. Waltz
    8. West Coast Swing
  7. This is not the order they appear in “Blue Moon.”
  8. When you have finished, click the submit button

Click the Play button to hear Blue Moon
(2.2 minutes, 177 kb, Windows Media (wma))
Beat 01 Pulldown to pick beat #1
Beat 02 Pulldown to pick beat #2
Beat 03 Pulldown to pick beat #3
Beat 04 Pulldown to pick beat #4
Beat 05 Pulldown to pick beat #5
Beat 06 Pulldown to pick beat #6
Beat 07 Pulldown to pick beat #7
Beat 08 Pulldown to pick beat #8
Type the characters (above left) into the text box (above right) then click the Send button.

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