
Adams American Style Ballroom
Lessons on DVD and Tape

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The Waltz (Video I and II)

These are the Waltz Steps and Routines you can learn from Video I and II:

Music: 3/4 time, accent on 1

Beginner Steps are in standard type;
Intermediate Steps are in italics;
Advanced Steps are in bold face;
all Routines are in bold italics.

Video I: Beginner

B E G I N N E R   R O U T I N E

Box, Twinkle, Box Twinkle
8 Progressives
2 Left Box Turns
Box, Triple Twinkle, Box
Box, Balance, Box, Balance
Box, Underarm Turn, Box


1. a. Basic Box
    b. Progressive Box
    c. Left Box Turn
2. Single Twinkle
3. Triple Twinkle
4. Balance Step (4th pos.)
5. Underarm Turn (arch)
6. Promenade Balance


Video II: Intermediate


1 Promenade
2 Parallels
1 Promenade
2 Advanced Pivots
1 Promenade
2 Corkscrews with Balance
1 Progressive
6 Forward Spirals
7 Double Twinkles
4 Reverse Spirals
1 Underarm Turn
1 Progressive


Intermediate Steps
1. d. Continuous Left Box Turn
5. b. Continuous Left Box Turn with Arch
6. b. Promenade Balance with developé
    c. Right and Left Parallels
    d. Advanced Pivots
7. Promenade Corkscrews
    a. With Box
    b. With Balance
8. Forward Spiral
9. Crossing (continuous) Double Twinkles
10. Backward (reverse) Spiral


Video II Advanced (silver)


1 Single Twinkle
2 Triple Twinkles
2 Continuous Spirals
1 Forward Spiral
1 Single Twinkle
1 Balance                       Repeat

Open (Continuity) Waltz
11. Single Twinkle
12. Triple Twinkle
13. Continuous Spiral
14. Hesitation Step
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